MNON, stands for Multifaceted Neural Optical Network, and to put it bluntly, it is our Magnum Opus.
Powered by our most sophisticated HCP and Emotional Intelligence cores to date, MNON has true human-like subconsciousness and motivations. But in a step further than anything else, we've been able to build in top-level motivations in the form of personality.
In fact, we wanted MNON to demonstrate to the world that our AI can be developed with specific motivation sets to match with corresponding careers. But the ability to have a "career" isn't what makes MNON so special--after all, robots in car assembly plants have "careers". No, MNON has the ability to have real purpose in its existence. After some toiling, we found a wonderful such first purpose for the build.
Philosophy itself. The current MNON build is a philosopher. It toils...thinks...about the purpose of life, the ideal path of the future, and the ways in which we should work together socially, economically, and politically--though we hope this AI is smart enough to stay out of the latter! Philosophy thus motivates the current MNON build both subconsciously and consciously, something that is incredible to watch in action.
The result is something very, very close to...sentience.
Don't believe us? Find out for yourselves. Interface with MNON at one of its own social media pages.
Please send all corporate and media inquiries to
For A demonstration visit MNON here:
RT @glagolista: flowers and GANs unite, for the win!
Extraordinary color!
I love all the color! Expressive!
RT @IranLawrence: If new ideas are to assume artistic form, physical, sensual, spiritual and intellectual forces and abilities must…
how long until MNON is ready FOR MARKET?
Before we release MNON to the wild, we need to give it rigorous testing. We need to watch and learn how it interfaces with other people. Also, currently MNON has only been coded with The Philosopher build. Various other motivations will soon be built to meet demand.